Opening Times
School is open from 08.40 to 08.50. This equates to a total of 32 hours and 30minutes in school during a typical week.
All pupils are expected to be in class by 8:50am for registration to take place. In line with our Attendance Policy, if your child arrives between 08.51 and 09.00, they are deemed as ‘late’ and will need to report to reception to explain why they have arrived late. They will also have their time of arrival recorded, for example, if they arrive at 08.54 , they will have four minutes marked as late, and the next day at 08.57, they will have seven minutes marked as late and so on. We consider a window of ten minutes to allow for traffic issues or any other difficulties in getting to school on time a reasonable amount of leeway.
Registers close at 09.00, therefore if your child arrives after this time, an ‘unauthorised’ mark will be recorded. Again, their arrival time will be noted. For example, if they arrive at 09.15, they will have 25 minutes unauthorised absence and the next day arriving at 09.20 will result in 30 minutes unauthorised absence. This total will form an accrued absence which will be shown at the end of the school year. We request that all children are accompanied by an adult to the school office if they are later than 08.50. To ensure parents are kept aware of their child being late, a courtesy text will be sent alerting you to this fact.
May we also request when leaving a message on the answer-phone informing us of your child’s absence due to sickness, to give exact details as to why they are unwell, rather than just saying ‘poorly’. Thank you for your understanding in this important respect of attendance.
The school day ends at 3:20pm. The total hours at school equates to 32 hours and 30 minutes.