Independent Study
Below are a few details about Year 6 Home Learning. If you need any further help with what your child should be doing at home or how you can help, then please do email us and we can advise you.
We visit the library weekly, and the children will choose two books: a levelled book linked to the Accelerated Reader tests we carry out through the year and a free read book for pleasure. We encourage the children to read as often as possible (and for at least 20 minutes daily) independently or to to any willing listener! We expect them to read at least four times each week. From the Spring term we will set a home reading task which should take about 15 – 20 minutes to complete. This will be to help to prepare them for their end of year tests. These would be given on a weekly basis, with the children having a minimum of three school evenings to complete.
--Set on Wednesday
--Due on Wednesday
Arithmetic questions are set weekly for the children to complete. They can use any resources, methods or jottings to support their working.
Occasionally at the start of the year the homework will have some content which we have not covered for some time (or at all in a few cases). If your child would like to have a go at these questions that would be great, otherwise they can be left and we will cover it in class. It is not necessary to spend more than 30 minutes on this task, even if the work is not completed. We will be monitoring scores across the year group which will help us to work out where we need to provide extra support or reteach specific skills.
On the website you can find information on how we teach the different calculation methods if you would like to support your child.
Thank you for your support in getting the children ready for SATs and Secondary School.
The Year 6 Team