Year 3 Home Learning
Below are a few details about Year 3 Home Learning. If you need any further help with what your child should be doing at home or how you can help, then please feel free to pop in and see us.
Spellings are handed out weekly on a Tuesday. The children should be rewriting the lists (using Look, Cover, Spell, Check) throughout the week as well as practicing applying them into sentences - we have also added a variety of different ways that children could show off their spellings to help them remember them. We assess the children on their weekly spellings in a variety of ways through their application of these spellings in their writing, as well as continuing to practice the sounds/rules in our English learning during the week.
The children have two reading books from the library (one of which is at their level and one of which is free choice.) Additionally, all children will also have a reading book at the correct level of challenge for progression from the Accelerated Reader Scheme given by an adult. We encourage the children to read as often as possible (for 10-20 minutes) to any willing listener! Please record when your child reads in their Home School Reading Record . Please feel free to read and record any other books /magazines /comics /picture books etc. your child enjoys. Furthermore, the children are encouraged to take part in the Monster Reading Challenge. This entails children reading a wide range of books from a given list to branch out their reading to new genres they may not normally select on their own. As they read more books from the list, children can earn certificates for different levels.
The current national age-related expectation for children at the end of Year 3 is that they know all times tables and related facts for the two, five, ten, three, four and eight times tables. This should mean that they can recall them instantly and that they know the related division facts. We will teach these as part of our usual maths curriculum however in order to support your children to achieve this, we ask that they practise the table they are currently working towards daily for about 5 minutes. This has huge benefits in other areas of maths such as fractions, ratio, percentages and division (not to mention increased confidence). Children will learn strategies to help them do this at the outset of the year and move later towards being tested weekly in class and earning stickers as they progress. Your child has been given a Times Table Rockstar logon which is set to automatic training mode which progresses them on as their fluency and confidence grows. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you need support with your child accessing Times Table Rockstars.
Click to access Times Table Rockstars
Could all Home Learning please be completed using a HB pencil (not pen or Biro.)
Thank you for your support.
Miss Collins and the Year 3 Team